Monday, June 04, 2007

More blogs I like.

It's June, which means that the strapping young men and women of the hut crews will be hiking to their summer homes as motorcycle engines cannonade their four-stroke siren song into every mountain vale and hollow. Since this blog here got its start as a blog about working as a winter caretaker in Carter Notch Hut two winters ago, I'd like to direct your attention to hutman Andrew Riley's blog, Gulliver's Nest. Andrew has just returned to work for a summer in the huts, and he writes about mountain weather, history, ecosystems, abandoned trails, and Boston's new museum, among other things. He probably won't have many opportunities to update it this summer, but the archives are good reading.

Also, a fish in Vacationland is making wisecracks about vegans and the poverty crisis among local alt-weekly food critics. Go read the new Portland Psst! (I'm not yelling at you, that's just what it's called).

Finally, I learned from the latter blog that LibraryThing, one of my favorite Web 2.0 sites, is based right here in Portland! I've cataloged my smallish library there, and also added a random sampler widget to the sidebar at right. Think of them as analog links to more interesting reading. LibraryThing is also supposed to recommend new books for you to read based on the preferences of other users who own similar titles. I'm picky, so it doesn't work for me as well as I'd like it to, but I'll take its advice that I read Barry Hannah's Airships. Thanks, neighbors-who-make-LibraryThing!

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