Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Running for Bayside/Parkside

At the urging of some of my neighbors, I have undertaken a bid for Maine's State House, to represent District 119 (the Bayside and Parkside neighborhoods) when Rep. Herb Adams retires this year.

If you read this blog, you're probably familiar with where I stand on a lot of issues. Obviously, getting the state to take more aggressive action on climate change, and making the Maine Dept. of Transportation more considerate and proactive about sustainable modes of transportation, are big goals of mine. But I'm also interested in doing more to cultivaqte small businesses as an economic development strategy, promoting more walkable downtown development in Maine's smaller villages and Main Street areas, and doing more to support immigrant populations in our neighborhood and across the state.

In order to have a fighting chance, I need to collect 60 $5 contributions in one week, in order to qualify for the state's Clean Elections Funding. These contributions all have to come from the Bayside, Parkside, and East Bayside neighborhoods. So if you're my neighbor, PLEASE go to the state's secure website and make a contribution online:

Note that even though I've changed my name to "MilNeil," I'm still listed as "McNeil" with the state. Hopefully this will be sorted out by November.

Even more importantly (because I definitely need help with this), if you know anyone else who lives in Bayside or Parkside, please vouch for me and ask them to chip in five bucks as well. Send them here, or to, if they'd like to learn more about me.

Thanks, readers!


Jeremy said...

Are you running independently or with a particular political party?

C Neal said...

I'll be running as a Green Independent, mostly with an eye towards working collaboratively with both political parties simultaneously.

Jeremy said...

Oh awesome! Always great to spot another Green...

Good luck on your campaign!