Monday, January 29, 2007

Fractal forestry

This undoctored photograph won the Swedish photographer Jocke Berglund a "Wildlife Photographer of the Year" award from the London Natural History Museum.

Found among the convergences contest winners at McSweeney's.


Andrew Riely said...

Neat picture... I was rummaging through the last issue of Appalachia and read your piece on the huts. It really put into words my affinity for them - particularly the part about being ok with huts being "subordinate to the urban, so long as relationships are clear, honest, and easily understood." I also liked the bit about the huts "offering a relationship to nature that is neither ironic nor complex." Perhaps that's why most of the croos seem to be so genuinely happy. Thanks for the article, and keep it up!

C Neal said...

Thanks, Andrew- I'm glad you found it.

I just clicked on your picture and realized that you're that Andrew - my neighbor in the huts this past fall. Nice blog- may I recommend that you write in it more often? Not only would that give me something else to read, but I find that a lot of my blog entries develop into longer essays that I can shop out to newspapers and magazines. Good luck with it,